Tamato, Tomato....Same thing.

Communication has been carried by the use of visual arts for centuries on the Earth. Since the dawn of time, humans have used symbols to convey messages of importance. The world has kept this method of communication and it has rapidly evolved since its first intention. The use of visual communication has become the main source of information retention in the modern world, and continues to evolve year after year.

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The impact visual communication has on current generations is overseen by a fast pace and continually growing society. It has been said time and time again that humans of all ages are constantly unconsciously influenced by images in day to day life. While technology plays a large part in the human consumption, a rapid movement society affects how individuals receive information in the 21st century. America, for example, is a fast pace society with people constantly moving, working, and worrying about what is next. This in return causes individuals attention spans to shorten, causing them to search for a fast way to absorb what they need to. While visual, audio, and written communication all work together it is visual communication that impacts our society a large deal. For example; scrolling through Instagram is recreationally scrolled through at a fast pace and in many cases the image can be viewed without a conjoined caption. Thus, resulting in viewers to ignore captions and a focus more on the visual aspect of the post. This can also be translated into news media, as they have began posting videos with images related to important news topics. All three forms of communication are heavily intertwined, but visual communication plays a larger part.

Visual communication demands different qualities in order to keep an individuals attention. Wether this is through text, color, or location, being visually appealing is the way to grab and keep consumers attentions. It varies from person to person, depending on what they cognitively look for in an image. IT could be text, color aesthetic, or the way something is conveyed. Individuals can retain different aspects of one image based on their own perception. In the eastern part of the Unites States, the Wegmans logo is an image that (in many cases) evokes feelings of comfort, reliability, and quality. This is achieved through their business model of "family friendly" merchants.

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Constant flow of information has also benefitted brands and their ability to be easily recognized. While many individuals can recognize the Apple logo, individuals can also name brands like Lulu Lemon, Athleta, Gap, Swell, and many others. It seems that brand recognition has strongly influenced societies in the recent years. This is apparent with new brands becoming increasingly known in recent years, Swell is one of those examples.
Image result for swell logo
Visual communication can also cross cultural and language barriers. From road signs, to warning signs, individuals of different regions can  comprehend the message being conveyed. The visual impact of brands across countries is also something that is very smart. Americans have the Volkswagen, Ferarri, and Honda which are all products of different countries. Yet, majority of Americans can recognize simply the the brand symbol at a glance.

Visual communication reaches universal audiences, and is a method that can convey messages to audiences of any age.


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